Kansas City Chapter

SECTION 1. The name of this organization shall be the National Congress of Black Women, Inc., Kansas City Chapter




The purpose of the National Congress of Black Women shall be to improve the political,  educational, social and economic status of African American women and their families; to  serve as a nonpartisan voice and instrument for the election and appointment of African American women’s participation in the political, economic and social processes.

SECTION 2 – THE PURPOSES OF THE KANSAS CITY CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL  CONGRESS OF BLACK WOMEN, INC.: To empower and engage Black Women to utilize  their voices in the decision-making process to develop local solutions to cultural, educational,  economic, and political issues that affect Black Communities.

The specific purposes of the Congress are to:

A. Identify and conduct ourselves as inspirational leaders among African American women.

B. Encourage Black women to engage in non-partisan leadership activities in the educational, economic, social and political arenas; the first of which is  registering to vote.

C. Provide training and internships at the national, state and local levels to enable members and young people to gain the knowledge required to understand, operate, and participate within the political, educational and social processes.

D. Increase the number of Black women in leadership positions in business, the professions and the non-profit sector, as well as in appointive and elective office at all levels of government.

E. Engage African American women in voter registration, political education, forums and seminars to better project their concerns in the public arena.

F. Develop and advocate public policy positions, which advance the political, social, educational and economic interests of African American women, their families and communities.

G. Participate in the development of policies, platforms and strategies of political parties that address the needs and aspirations of the African-American community; encourage the party appointment of Black women at all levels of the party structure.

H. Engage in research and fact-finding on critical issues uniquely affecting the quality of life of African American women and youth.

[. Sponsor youth leadership institutes to prepare young people to practice good citizenship and to assume leadership roles in public service.

J. Develop and conduct programs that address the educational crisis among African American youth, and that motivates and prepares them to excel academically, attend college, and succeed in professional careers.

K Confront forces in the culture, economy, and community environment that threaten the physical, mental and moral well-being of African American youth, especially those most at risk.

L. Empower African American women to act as role models for the next generation of leaders.



SECTION 1 – MEMBERSHIP: Membership in the Congress shall be open to individuals  who are committed to the purpose of the organization, and who pay the membership fees as  determined by the Executive Board, in accordance with the bylaws. Members are of one  class, with equal rights and benefits regardless of the category of dues.

SECTION 2 – LEVELS OF MEMBERSHIP: Members shall join the Congress by submitting  their membership fees in any of the following categories: Regular membership shall be those members paying annual National dues in  an amount of $50 or as decided by the National Board of Directors, in  addition to the annual local dues established by the Kansas City Chapter.  Annual membership local dues in an amount of $75.

Young Adult membership shall be those members at least 18 years of age up  to 25 years of age paying annual National dues in an amount of $25 or as  decided by the National Board of Directors, in addition to the annual local  dues established for young adult members by the Kansas City Chapter.  Annual young adult membership local dues in an amount of $30.

0. Youth chapter membership for the Kansas City Chapter shall be those members between the ages 13-17. Kansas City Chapter Annual youth membership local dues in an amount of $10. There is no National due required by the youth unless they are 18 years and become a young adult member with  NCBW.

P. Patron membership shall be those members paying annual National dues in an amount of $150 or as decided by the Board of Directors, in addition to the annual local dues established by the Kansas City Chapter. For each Patron Member, $30 of the annual $150 received by the National Office shall be rebated to such Chapter. Annual patron membership local dues in an amount of$175.

Q. National dues in subsequent years. Life Members must continue to pay local dues established by the Kansas City Chapter. For each Life Member belonging to a local Chapter, $200 of the $1,000 received by the National Office shall be rebated to such Chapter. Annual life membership local dues in an amount of $1200.


The effective date of national membership is the date membership payment is received in the  National office, whether submitted directly by a Member-at-large or forwarded by a local  Chapter. Local Chapter shall forward national membership dues collected by a local chapter  to the National Office within 30 days ofreceipt.


Only those individuals who join the NCBW by submitting National membership dues are  permitted to join local Chapters ofNCBW. There is no category of membership consisting of  individuals who belong to a local Chapter but not National NCBW.



Whenever there are twenty-five (25) or more National members from a specific county, city  or other political subdivision, the Board of Directors of the Congress shall authorize and  recognize a local Chapter through, resolution duly entered into its minutes and issue a charter  to such local Chapter as evidence of such authorization and recognition.

SECTION 2 – To remain in good standing, as an NCBW Chapter, a local entity must:

A. Have and Maintain at least twenty- five (25) members in the city, county or political subdivision defined by the Chapter’s name, who have paid current National and Chapter dues, and from whom or for whom such National dues have been received by the National office.

H. Adopt the Chapter Bylaws established by the National Board of Directors, and with any additional local provisions as are adopted by the local Chapter being approved by the National Board.

C. Annually elect Officers as provided in the Chapter Bylaws, which officers shall carry out the duties prescribed for them therein.

D. Hold at least six (6) membership meetings each year, in addition to Board and committee meetings.

E. Support the leadership, purposes and goals of the National organization. F. Participate in and support the annual Awards Brunch of the National NCBW, where at least one table each year shall be purchased by the Chapter or its members.

G:. Contribute an annual assessment in the amount of $1,000 or as determined by the National Board of Directors, to the National office. This assessment is due on a date established by the National Board of Directors and is in addition to any National office. Funds for this assessment may be collected from the membership, obtained through fundraising activities or a combination thereof.

FI. Comply with all federal, state and local laws, as well as regulations concerning activities of organizations exempt from income tax under Section 501 ( c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, including, but not limited to,

Refraining from endorsing political parties or candidates for public office. I. Transmit timely and regular reports required by the National Office. J. Ensure that any funds received from contributions, grants, contracts, or any

other source relying on NCBW’s tax-exempt status where Kansas City Chapter has established its own bank account, an annual financial report is submitted to the National Office. Kansas City Chapter of NCBW to maintain and manage funds generated for the use of the Chapter.




The Officers of the Congress shall be a Chairperson, a First Vice-Chair, a  Second Vice Chair, a Third (preferred young adult between the ages of 18 and  25) Vice Chair, a Recording Secretary, A Corresponding Secretary, and a Treasurer.


A. Identify appointed officers: Community Services and Volunteer Coordinator, Community and Public Relations Liaison, Parliamentarian, Editor and  Financial Secretary

B. Eligibility for election as Officers

1. Any active member up-to-date on membership dues shall be eligible for nomination as an Officer.

2. Their tenure in office shall be limited to 3 consecutive terms or until their successors are elected.

C. Elected and appointed officers must be in good standing in order to retain their leadership position. The following leadership requirements must be maintained:

a. Attend all 8 general meetings [ allowed 3 conference calls in place of attendance]

b. Officers must demonstrate punctuality

3. Communicate absence and tardiness with Chair

4. Must attend 75% of NCBW-KC community engagement activities

D. Appointed officers must be an active financial member before appointment. 1. Unless serving on the executive board, the chair appointed officer serves a 2 year term.





A. The Chair shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Congress and an ex Officio member of all committees. She shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and Executive Board, and submit to the Board current reports of the operations of the Chapter. The Chair shall appoint all Committee Chairs. The Chair may appoint Special Committee Chairs, a Parliamentarian, ad hoc task groups. The Chair shall be the Official Spokesperson of the Chapter.

B. The First Vice Chair shall preside at meetings whenever the Chair is absent, acts as the sergeant of arms at general meeting, board meeting and at meetings where the Chair is present, and shall chair standing committees as may be  directed by the Chair. Assist the Chair in operations and business matters of the chapter. Attend chapter events and community engagement activities.

The Second Vice Chair shall preside at meetings whenever the Chair and  First Vice Chair is absent, and shall chair committees as may be directed by  the Chair. In the absence of the First Vice Chair, acts as the sergeant of arms  at general meeting, board meeting and special meetings. Assist the First Vice  Chair in event operations and business matters of the chapter. In the absence  of the First Vice Chair, assist the Chair in chapter events, and operations and  business matters of the chapter. Attend chapter community engagement  activities.

D. The Third (Young Adult) Vice Chair, who shall be between 18 and 25 years old but, not required, shall preside in the absence of the highest Officers. The Young Adult Vice Chair shall be responsible, with the advice and approval of the Executive Board, for developing and encouraging the membership of young adults between the ages of 18 and 25 years in the Chapter; developing and coordinating the activities and programs for youth, including those less than 18 years of age. The Young Adult Vice Chair shall submit an annual report to the Chair and Executive Board on young adult and youth participation and activities. Attend chapter community engagement activities.

The Treasurer shall be the keeper of the financial records for the Chapter.  Under the direction of the Chair, the Treasurer shall have the supervision and  control of all monies of the Chapter in such financial institutions as the  Executive Board shall designate. The Treasurer shall cause accurate books of  account to be kept at all times reflecting the business of the Chapter, shall  certify to the Chair the amount of dues collected; and shall make written,  financial and other reports to the Executive Board respecting the business and  the condition of the Chapter. Shall submit (via email or regular mail conducive to the donor) receipts to donors for their in-kind and monetary  donations. The Treasurer shall transmit to the Board a summary report of the  finances of the Chapter. The Treasurer, if so required by the Executive Board,  shall give bond for faithful performance of the Treasurer’s duties, and, shall  perform such other additional duties as the Chair may require. Attend chapter  community engagement activities

F. The Recording Secretary Shall record all proceedings and votes of the members and Officers at their respective meetings; shall keep such records, books, papers and shall open such documents to the inspection of members. Shall keep general meeting minutes, and record start and end times of each meeting. Recording Secretary shall take attendance by initiating “Roll-Call” at the beginning of the meeting and acknowledge and keep record of any other arrivals during the meeting. Attend chapter community engagement activities

The Corresponding Secretary shall prepare and send notices of all membership meetings and Executive Board meetings, and the bylaws of the Chapter, and shall perform such other additional duties as the Chair and Officers may require. Shall be the holder of the key to the business P.O Box and shall collect mail once a week (officer to select day of the week). The officer shall open, log and present mail to Chair to screen, and then disperse all mail to appropriate officers and executive board members. In an occurrence where the Chair is not present, corresponding secretary must have mail screened by the 1st Vice Chair or 2nd Chair if necessary. Before dispersing monetary donations to treasurer, log name and address of donors and mail a thank you card to each donor within 2 weeks of receipt of the monetary donation. Shall make copies of literature or information that Chair advises can be shared with general members at the general meeting. Attend  chapter community engagement activities

H. Parliamentarian (Appointed) Shall review current and suggested chapter bylaws and discuss with board. Any recommendations or corrections to the bylaws must be sent back with guidance to general meeting for a vote. Shall interject during the board meeting or general meeting discussions where there is ambiguity, or concerns regarding the interpretation of the bylaws. Affirm that Robert Rules of Order are implemented at every general meeting and board meeting. Provide an opinion as to how to proceed within the bylaws. Shall assist the chapter in establishing clear rules of order, planning and proper protocols for conducting the chapter meetings. Shall have some legal background. Attend chapter community engagement activities.

I. Community Services/Volunteer Coordinator (Appointed) Shall receive all forms of communication ( email, phone) and correspondence in reference to community services opportunities, volunteer requests ( community organizations, companies and nonprofits seeking volunteer support), manage community members volunteer form submission (seeking to volunteer). Shall transfer contact information from the community member volunteer form/ application (also information from approved/denied entity form) to the volunteer/company registration excel sheet. Obtain approval or denial from Chair in response to the company’s or organization request for NCBW-KC volunteers. In the effort that the Chair is absent, carryout procedure with I st  Vice Chair or 2nd Vice Chair. Attend chapter community engagement activities

J. Community/ Public Relations Liaison (Appointed) Shall advertise initiatives, events and activities ofNCBW-KC in local newspapers. Shall place ads in newspaper and radio broadcasts. This includes follow up on the processes to solidify or complete the advertisement. Shall receive all forms of communication ( email, phone) and correspondence in reference to partnership, participation and community involvement. Shall log the organization or entity’s name, email, address and phone number and date of request. Provide a questionnaire or survey to the entity in order to screen and obtain the purpose for request. Forward organization or entity information and request along with questionnaire to the Chair for approval or denial. If approved, the Chair will follow up with organization. If denied, communicate denial and rationale to entity-this can be done by correspondence. Encourage in the response that, even though NCBW-KC is unable to participate or partner at this time but, advise them to keep NCBW-KC in mind for future opportunities to participate with the organization. In the effort that the Chair is absent, carryout procedure with I st Vice Chair. Attend chapter community engagement activities

IC Financial Secretary (Appointed) Shall conduct quarterly reviews of all  chapter financial matters, financial reports and annual budgets. Shall assist Chair or  First Vice chair with the financial and tax filing matters. Attend chapter  community engagement activities.

L. Editor (Appointed) Shall hold the final review of content of a text, documents, flyer or any paper content. The editor shall determine the final version of the content. Shall approve, deny or hold content until corrections or revisions are deemed appropriate for publication. Submits final content to Chair for approval to be published.




General Membership shall meet (8) per year as determined by the Chapter, at a time and  place designated by the Chair. No general meetings shall be held during the months of June,  July, November and December of any year. A special meeting of the Chapter members for  any purpose may be called at any time by the Chair, by a majority of the Executive Board.

A. At any meeting, a quorum shall consist of thirty percent (30%) of the body provided that less than a quorum may make reasonable adjournments ofsuch meetings until a  quorum is obtained. An affirmative vote of not less than fifty-one percent ( 51% ) of the  members present is required to take or authorize action on any matters, which may properly come before the meeting.




The members of the Executive Board shall be the Chair, the First, Second and Third Vice Chairs, the Recording Secretary, the Corresponding Secretary, the Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Parliamentarian, Community Service and Volunteer Coordinator, and Editor


Elected officers shall serve a term of 3 years.


A quorum of the Executive Board shall be a majority of the members on the Board, one of  whom must be the Chair, the First, Second and Third Vice Chairs.

A special meeting of the Chapter members for any purpose may be called at any time by the  Chair, by a majority of the Executive Board.


A. Transact business of the Chapter in the interim of Chapter meetings.

1. Ensure effective planning

2. Monitor and strengthen programs and services

3. Ensure adequate financial resources

4. Protect assets and provide proper financial oversight

5. Build a competent board

6. Ensure legal and ethical integrity

7. Enhance the NCBW-KC public standing


Should a vacancy occur on the Executive Board it may, by a majority vote, fill the vacancy.  The person elected shall serve until the next general election.


The Executive Board shall meet Monthly during the Chapter year. It shall meet in emergency sessions when the Chair deems it necessary or upon written requests of the majority of the Board.


The Executive Board member is expected to all board and general meetings ofthe Chapter  during the calendar year. Failure to fulfill responsibilities shall automatically terminate the  member’s term ofoffice, unless satisfactory reason(s) is given and is accepted.


The Executive Board shall have the power to remove, by written notification, elected and  appointed officers and committee chairperson, when it is clearly established that there is  non­performance of duties.




Chairpersons of standing committees shall be appointed by the Chapter Chair. Committee  members shall serve for 2 year and may be reappointed at the discretion of the Chair, for the  ensuing year.


There shall be such special committees as the Chair deems necessary.


There shall be at least the following standing committees:

1. Fund-raising- Develop and implement fundraising programs

2. Nominations/Elections- Provides oversight to the nomination and election process of officers and executive board members. Review of leadership criteria and eligibility requirements for both nominated and elected general members and executive board

members. Assures that both nomination and election process is neither arbitrary, and adheres to the bylaws.

3. Membership- Establish each year a goal for the increase in active, contributing members. It shall work jointly with the Administration of the National Association to achieve these goals. The committee should keep on file a record of current membership and new members. It shall create and disseminate all materials concerning all memberships, such as application forms, membership cards and any other essential materials.

4. Program Development- Introduces program ideas to the chapter. Assist executive board with conducts analyses of planned or suggested programs, services and components. Ascertain whether the program is sound and corresponds with NCBW KC principles and bylaws. Assure that program evaluations are carried out in order to measure effectiveness.

5. Education and training- Establishes educational plans and sets expectations for upcoming education/training workshops or events. Reviews and assures that the Chapter is facilitating, implementing and contributing quality and effective percentage of education and training per year for youth and adults in the community.

6. Public Relations/Publicity- Keep the public aware of the work of the chapter through frequent informative news releases and by other means.

7. Legal- Reviews and ascertains that all NCBW-KC grassroots activities and community engagements activities are lawful and in accordance with local, state and federal laws. Review of any alleged public policy or local ordinances that may be of threat to the quality of life and well-being of African American women and their families.

8. Budget/Finance – Prepare and review the budget and act as custodians of finances. 9. Health and Wellness – Throughout the year, physicians and KCC members with public health expertise, discipline or experience, educate the community on health issues that impact African Americans.

10. Youth Development- Establish a youth chapter to empower youth to create clear, purposeful, measurable and attainable goals that positively affect their lives and positively influence the life choices of their peers. Assure that local programs established by the youth chapter contribute to the good health, good citizenship,  education and well-being of all youth.

11. Culture of Persons with a Development Disability– Participate in Development Disability Month (March). Provide Education and Advocacy workshops on Development Disability Awareness. Setup volunteer opportunities with organizations  and agencies that advocate and support persons with a development disability.  Educate ourselves and the community on Person-Centered Values. Familiarize  ourselves with the development disability culture through community engagement  opportunities and building organized relationships. Develop and support Public  Policy positions that pertain to Persons with a Development Disability as the African  American Women and their families make up this population as well.

12. Marketing — Create awareness and engagement with current members, prospective members, and the Kansas City community via the use of digital and traditional marketing efforts.


The Chair may establish special committees on an ad-hoc basis to carry out the work of the  chapter. All ad-hoc committees and other task groups are appointed by the Chair and under  the responsibility of the Chair.

A. Ad-hoc committees and task groups are of an informal and often short-term nature, formed to organize events and carry out other immediate tasks.


All chairs of standing committees, ad-hoc committees and task groups, whatever their  function, shall be appointed by, and report to the Chair.

A. Program activities and priorities shall be subject at all times to the directions and decisions of the Chair and Executive Board.




A. The Nominating Committee shall consist of 5 members.

B. The nominee for position of Chair shall be placed on the ballot and elected by membership (in August).  The (4) remaining members of the committee shall be appointed by the chapter Chair (in August), with approval of the Executive Board.  D. The Chair should not appoint this committee or be a member of it – ex officio or otherwise.



There shall be two methods of nominations allowed by the Chapter which includes (1) from the floor (sometimes called “open nominations”) and (2) by a committee.

A. Nominations from the floor. Under the procedure of nominations from the floor, the Chair calls for nominations, after the nominating committee report is received, but prior to the election

B. Nominations by a committee. The Committee shall consist of five (5) members as outlined in Article X, Section 1 – Membership of the Chapter Bylaws.


A. The Nominating Committee shall notify the members of the chapter of all vacancies.

B. Prepare, organize and implement annual elections of officers and board members. C. The Committee will meet to determine deadlines to solicit qualified nominees, receive nominating committee packets (biographical sketch, supporting documentation, and photograph) and submit the Nominating Committee Report. The purpose of the packet is to assist the Committee with determining the person’s qualifications for office.

D. If the nominee’s name is submitted without the packet, the Committee will contact the person to inform them of their nomination and allow three (3) days for submission of a completed packet to the Committee. If the packet is not received by the deadlines established by the Committee, the person will be allowed to submit it prior to the election at the chapter meeting when

nominations from the floor are taken.

E. After submission of the nominating packet to the Committee, the Committee will review the person’s eligibility for office and contact the Treasurer to determine their financial status.

F. Before making its report, the Nominating Committee shall contact each person whom it wishes to nominate, in order to obtain their acceptance of the nomination.

G. The Nominating Committee Report will include the slate of officers (position seeking and name of nominee). The slate of officers may include the biographical sketch and photograph of the nominee. This report will initially be provided to the Board for review and then circulated (in September) to active members (three 3) weeks prior to the election.

H. The Nominating Committee Report will be formally presented during the chapter meeting at which the election will take place.

I. A Nominating Committee is automatically discharged when its report is formally presented to the chapter. If one of the nominees withdraws before the election, the committee is revived and should meet immediately to agree upon another nomination if there is time.

J. If for any reason it is desired to reopen nominations, this can be done by a majority vote.

K. At anytime after the Nominating Committee formally presents their report, the Chair calls for further Nominations from the floor. The complete list of the committee’s nominations should be read/circulated again before further nominations are allowed.

L. If there are no additional nominations, the chair declares that nominations are closed. Once closed, a majority vote is required to reopen nominations.




A. To be eligible for election for any office a member must be active and current financials with the Chapter.

B. Election-day shall be every 2nd Tuesday evening in October.


A. Officers and Executive Board Members as found in Article V, Section I of the Chapter Bylaws and the Nominating Committee shall be elected by ballot, unless, by majority vote of those present at the annual business meeting.

B. A paper (or electronic) ballot will be issued by the nominating/election committee (on) the election (day).

C. Active members must request an Absentee Ballot from the nominating/election committee if they know in advance they will not be present to cast a ballot on election-day.

D. Absentee Ballots must be completed and returned to the nominating/election committee within 1 week of receiving the ballot.

E. Nominating/election committee members must vote Absentee.


A. Any member of the local Chapter, whose dues are certified by the Treasurer for 1 week prior to the election, shall be eligible to vote.


A. Slate and biographical sketch of nominees shall be circulated to all financial members at least 3 weeks before the election.


A. The majority of numbers of votes cast at the election shall elect the new officers or board members.


A. All completed ballots are placed in the ballot box, if voting by paper ballot.

This process is visible to all members.

B. The counting and tabulation of votes will follow the election by (four tellers appointed by the Chair), the same day at the same location, where the results and winner will be declared.

C. After all who desire to vote, have done so, the polls can be closed by the Chair.

D. The Chairman of tellers, standing, addresses the Chair, reads the tellers’ report, and hands it to the Chair without declaring the result. In the case of an election, the report should follow this form:


Number of votes cast………………….

Necessary for election (majority)……..

Candidate’s Name received…………..

Candidate’s Name received…………..

Illegal Votes

Voter’s Name (illegible)……………

E. The tellers’ prepare a report for each office involved. The tellers’ report is entered in full in the minutes. The tellers place the ballots and tally sheets in the custody of the secretary.

F. In each case where a candidate has a majority, the Chair declares that candidate elected. For offices for which no candidate has a majority, the chair announces, “no election.” When the tellers’ report for all offices have been read, the chair directs that new ballots be distributed for those offices which no candidate attained a majority.