NCBW-KC Vision
To build a network of women of color in leadership, sustainable entrepreneurship, and civic engagement while increasing access to technology and building social enterprises that eliminate gender and racial bias.
Local Purpose
To empower and engage Black women in utilizing their voices in the decision-making process; to develop local solutions to cultural, educational, economic, and political issues that affect Black communities.
National Mission
The National Congress of Black Women, Inc. is dedicated to the education, economic, political, and cultural enrichment of Black women, their families, and the community.
Our Voices
We’re The Organization That Brought Truth to the Capitol
In 2006, President George W. Bush signed into law, the authority for the Sojourner Truth bust sculpture to be donated by the National Congress of Black Women, Inc. on Capitol Hill.
The sculpture bust of Sojourner Truth was unveiled on April 28, 2009 in the Emancipation Hall in Washington, DC. The sculpture was done by Artist, Artis Lane of California and member of NCBW Los Angeles Chapter.
NCBW National President speaks the truth about Sojourner Truth and the bust on Capitol Hill in this video.
Founding Members
The founding members are:
Sylvya Stevenson, MPA
Shirley Stevenson
Neichele Stevenson
YaLonda Smith-Johnson
Courtney Pauley
Camry Ivory
Mia Harvey, MSW
Felicia Burns-Smith, RN, BSN
Stephanie Bunting
Tinka Barnes, MD
Mission Activities
To train and educate youth on the responsibilities of good citizenship and encourage them to register, and to vote as well as to learn and understand the functions of government
To provide opportunities for internships at the local, state, and national level
To encourage African-American women to engage in political education, voter registration, forums, and seminars.
To educate and encourage African-American women to seek elective and appointive offices at all levels of government
To engage in research on critical issues affecting the quality of life for African-American women and youth
To develop and advocate public policy positions at every level of government
To participate in the formation and development of public policy that impacts African-American women, their families, and communities
What We Stand For
Positive image, positive energy, and positive beauty in women of color
Rebuilding our families
Human rights
Enriching our communities througheducation and service
Direct representative democracy
K-12 public education as a social responsibility Affordable Care Act and Medicaid expansion
STEM science, technology, energy, and mathematics
Preserving culture
Health equity
Increasing accessibility for registered, eligible voters to exercise their right to vote
Restoration of voter rights to eligible constituents in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area
Women’s equity in health care, health access, pay, and reproductive rights
Economic empowerment
Voter research and education
Social and economic justice
Building a healthier and sustainable community
Exposing our children to environments of success
Immigration reform and finding a pathway to citizenship for our undocumented brothers and sisters
Who We Are
NCBW also serves as a nonpartisan voice and instrument on issues pertaining to the appointment of African American Women at all levels of government, and to increase African American women’s participation in the educational, political, economic and social arenas.
Currently, NCBW provides leadership opportunities for women, and decision-making positions in government, nonprofit organizations and the private sector. The organization was founded in 1984. Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm served as the First National Chair. Dr. C. DeLores Tucker succeeded her, and Dr. E. Faye Williams is the current National Chair.
“The power of the ballot we need in sheer defense, else what shall save us from a second slavery?”
~ W.E.B. Du Bois
Chapter History
Under the leadership of Founding Chair Sylvya J. Stevenson, the Kansas City Chapter of the National Congress of Black Women, Incorporated received its charter from the national chapter on Thursday, November 7, 2013. The charter was presented by national board member Judy Matthews on behalf of the national president, Dr. E. Faye Williams, Esq. The installation was held at Bruce R. Watkins Heritage Center in Kansas City, Missouri.
To empower and engage Black women in utilizing their voices in the decision-making process; to develop local solutions to cultural, educational, economic, and political issues that affect Black communities.
The formation of the Kansas City Chapter began in March 2011 and required the organizing chair to identify nine women committed to both carrying out the efforts to acquire a charter and help recruit active members to meet the annual 25-member requirement in accordance with the national bylaws.
The Articles of Incorporation for the Kansas City Chapter was established with the State of Missouri on October 23, 2013.
The chapter was legally formed as a 501 (c) (3) not for profit, sister organization under the National Chapter in accordance with the national bylaws on November 7, 2013. The Kansas City Chapter was determined to establish a foundation so that the organization may continue to empower black women through unity, sisterhood, leadership, and advocacy.
During the year of inception, the chapter launched its first program – the Annual Youth and Parent Back to School Breakfast – to heighten awareness of healthy eating and increased physical activity at home with family. The NCBW Los Angeles Chapter and local organizations like 100 Black Men of Greater Kansas City and Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church supported our efforts as a new non-profit business. Job Corps, CHES, Inc., Save A Lot Stores, and Blue Hills Church of the Nazarene also offered partnerships.
In the first full year of existence, the Kansas City Chapter hosted career and resume workshops at local women shelters to provide resources and skill-training necessary for landing jobs. Additionally, with the support of the U.S. Department of Education and Equal Education Opportunity Center (EEOC) agency, the chapter hosted a college financial aid seminar for parents, their children, and students.
In 2014, the chapter held its first Election of Officers and LaNeise Butler was voted First Vice Chair.
The first Voter Education Workshop was launched that same year. Coalitions were formed by other non-profit leaders and community agencies in different areas of the City – and the Kansas City Chapter was invited to have a seat at the table.
Two years later on October 27, Mayor Sylvester “Sly” James, Jr. and members of the council of Kansas City officially declared November 3 as National Congress of Black Women Day.
Carleane Hawkins succeeded Sylvya Stevenson on November 1, 2017 with a three-year term.
The legacies of the NCBW National Founder and First National Chair Shirley Chisholm and her successor Dr. C. Delores Tucker lives on through the women of our chapter. As African-American women eager for leadership and entrepreneurship opportunities, we’re honored to have established a legacy of our own in the Kansas City Metropolitan area.

Become a Member
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the National Congress of Black Women – Kansas City Chapter! Membership is growing rapidly throughout the United States, including our area, at an unprecedented rate – a growth that’s credited to the significant impact our organization makes in the empowerment of Black women. Through our programs and services, we’re committed to representing and reflecting the local voice.
Being invited to join as a member is an esteemed honor and your role is critical in fulfilling the mission of the organization.
Requirements include:
Dedication to volunteer efforts
Adherence to chapter principles
Attend eight general meetings a year
Participation in community engagement events
Pay national dues ($50/year)
Pay chapter dues ($100/year)
- Satisfy Annual Scholarship Gala Fundraising Obligation (Sell of 5 tickets, and member ticket is free)
Share a common interest and sisterhood
Passionate about improving the educational, social, political and economic status of African-American women and their families
To expedite your membership registration process, please email your application to We will notify you of next steps once your application is received.